Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Extermination of A Disenfranchised American Jew

A Jewish woman is being exterminated by local, state, federal, and international agencies and the DOJ in America. She has been black-balled from every professional earning capacity. Even one's that male sex offenders are entitled to. Other "Jews" have been authorized to commit a grand theft larceny offense on her $100k estate trust fund so that the woman must remain uncomfortable and suffer unneedlessly. This is because the woman has abused her First Amendment privilege calling out for help since 1991.

Today, she is barely surviving among Heathens who are constantly condemning, threatening, harassing, and emotionally beating her into submission. There is jealousy because the woman is more attractive than a "Jezebel" and a "Christian." Her disenfranchisement as an American jew has subjected her to EXCESSIVE PUNISHMENT for an EXTENSIVE and UNDETERMINATE amount of years while being forced into AGGRESSIVE AND ABSOLUTE EXCLUSION. Apology after apology has become null and void of effect to this woman's ears and her disdain for America has gripped her entire being.

Will the U.S. Government push her over the edge? Stay tuned at where she has managed to survive to upload evidence.

On one side, a Christian has decided to bully the woman believing that this will turn her to God. By accusing her and then violently interrupting when trying to clarify a statement is the result from both neighbors. The use of loud verbal arguments help to deliberately twist simple basics with the accusation that the woman is the one who is abusive.

By declaring that the woman is a "persecutor of the brethern" they can take out their misery on her by using her as a verbal punching bag. Knowing that this woman is vulnerable and verging on suicide because of the forced isolation results in no empathy. These people are taking pleasure in her pain and suffering and feel that it is their duty to continue to slap her back and forth while trying to make her cry. They know they are immune and in control because they know it is the intent of the U.S. Government to use excessive punishment until she is exterminated.

On the other side is a "Jezebel" who blames this woman for being mean because she won't date the men "Jezebel" has bedded. Challenging the woman to physical and emotional combat is the result of all the dysfunctional lifestyles surrounding this woman. Trash and filthy lucre mysteriously invading the transient woman's temporary job of maintaining a home and yard. Being forced to have to confront the "Jezebel"; Loud scream fests in front of utility workers; There can be no respect for this woman because the woman is Jewish, poor, vulnerable, has no family, and may not drive a motor vehicle.

Has the Department of Justice conspired to use these kinds of cases as proof to maintain and justify that wiretapping is essential in America?

  • Are they experimenting by disallowing her to associate with colleagues of her own stature by forcing her into isolation and having to depend on American men to assist her with the small task of driving her to the store?
  • Is it really necessary to wipe blood on the womans' brand new pair of Levi's after giving an American man items costing well over $100 because her dog playfully bit his hand?

This is the gratitude and the kinds of persons who this woman must associate with while being invisible in society.

  • Will the State of California invade Canada as they did in Oregon by concocting a devious tactical strategy to excessively punish her over and over again?

In a month, the 51 year old woman will, once again, have to destroy all of her property and abandon her wild mustangs that have kept her alive all these years so that she can possibly save her own life by fleeing into Canada.

  • Will her death be declared one of "natural causes?"

Stay tune to find out how the woman has been so demoralized and emotionally beaten up by the American public as an indirect result of the DOJ and their reps. Find out how, more likely then not, she will become another statistic in Klamath Falls, Oregon, who delirously wandered into a street full of oncoming traffic at

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