Monday, July 16, 2012

Do What I Say, Not What I Do

Which is the most serious threat to humanity’s future?
Child protection services all over the country are "legally" abducting our children. Social workers are fraudulently depriving parents of their children at alarming rate.  Their acts of violating civil and human rights are despicable!  Listen to hundreds of stories. 

Teaching children hatred
Narcissisim, social paths, psychopathic traits, debt, financial abuse, callousness, lack of empathy or concern for others’ feelings or problems, lack of guilt or remorse about the negative or harmful effects of one’s actions on others, exploitative, aggression, being mean, cruel, or cold-heartedness; verbally, relationally, or physically abusive; humiliating and demeaning of others; willingly and willfully engaging in acts of violence against persons and objects; active and open belligerence or vengeful; using dominance and intimidation to control others, manipulative, the use of cunning, craft, or subterfuge to influence or control others; casual use of others to one’s own advantage; use of seduction, charm, ingratiation to achieve one’s own end, hostility, irritability hot tempered, unfriendly, rude, surly, or nasty; responding angrily to minor slights and insults, deceitfulness, dishonesty, untruthfulness or fabrication when relating events; misrepresentation of self; fraudulence, vanity, boastfulness, exaggeration of one’s achievements and abilities; self-centered, feeling and acting entitled, believing that one deserves only the best; preoccupation with having unlimited success, irresponsibility, disregard for, or failure to honor, financial and other obligations or commitments; lack of respect and follow through on agreements and promises; unreliability; carelessness with own and/or others’ possessions, child stealers, human trafficking, fraud, greed, slavery, economic injustice, adultery, thievery, murder,  animal abuse, terrorist threats, cell phone invasion, wasteful spending, purchasing violations, error-prone accounting and shoddy oversight, running women out on the street, cultivating prostitutes, unsolved homicides, trading sex for survival needs, withholding exculpatory evidence, manufactured and presented perjured testimony, acquire hatred, defiance, rebellion, verbal abuse, bigotry, blind extremists, oppressive regimes, intimidation, HOMOSEXUALITY?  GAY MARRIAGE EQUALITY? sexist, racist homophobic, elitist organizations in the world, physical abuse, arrogance, torture, blatant discrimination, malicious prosecutions, judicial impropriety, malfeasance, criminal slander and libel, corporate greed, loss of consortium, retaliation, isolation, abandonment, and neglect, blasphemy, haughty eyes lustful, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers, gossiping busybodies, global warming, adultery, murder, wrongful convictions, police brutality, judicial abuse, harassment from punks, hooligans, informants and those of low mental acumen, and common banality, grand-theft larceny, unfair competition, larceny driven society, poverty, institutions that systematically and repeatedly ignore rampant sexual harassment and rape, failing to prosecute and punish those who commit horrendous breaches of the constitution claiming “immunity”, deliberately dehumanizing women, sweeping and covering up high crimes and misdemeanors, bribery, treason, abuse of power, false hope, manipulative tactics of abuse, inheritance and trust embezzlement, false reports, racketeering, alcoholism, homelessness, legal and medical misdiagnoses and malpractice, excessive force, racial profiling, using psychiatric diagnoses to oust sexual assault victims and other victims who complain of mistreatment, etc, assaults, exploitation, forced labor, campaigns of insults and intimidation, taunts and threats to stir up hate anonymously, being spied upon, stopped, questioned, arbitrarily detained and subjected to unfair police scrutiny, being stabbed with verbal abuse, involuntary servitude, coercion,  substandard housing, creating irreparable damage to relationships, domestic terrorism, ...wielding great influence and power to do any of the above.

On March 7, 2012, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon delivered a historic speech asking countries around the world to decriminalize same sex relationships, and end discrimination of LGBT people. The response at the UN? A handful of delegates stormed out of the meeting in protest.

Psychotropic medication not included